The Benefice of The Good Shepherd, Lake & St Saviour on the Cliff, Shanklin
in the Diocese of Portsmouth
and under the episcopal care of the Bishop of Richborough
About Us
St Saviour on the Cliff, Shanklin and The Good Shepherd, Lake are within the Diocese of Portsmouth and are in the Catholic tradition of the Church of England. The patron of the Benefice is the Bishop of Portsmouth. Both churches are members of The Society St Wilfred & St Hilda, and under the provisions of the Five Guiding Principles, episcopal sacramental ministry is provided by the Bishop of Richborough.
Our Benefice Mission Priorities include becoming Dementia Friendly churches, with a Benefice Tranquility Garden being created in the grounds of The Good Shepherd. A monthly Mass with Ministry of Healing takes place, alternating between the two churches. The Walsingham Cell meets for Mass and Rosary, usually at the Good Shepherd, once a month on a Saturday morning, following Mass. Lectio Divina at St Saviour's and Holy Hour at Good Shepherd draw a following from both congregations each week.